Reading 7

Chapter 7 Composition

Fundamentals of Composition
Visual Interest and Clarity are the two main goals of composition

Composition- the form, and how all components are arranged together

Margins- blank space surrounding a printed design.  Can add readability, or can even take away from a design.

Static vs. Active Composition

Closed vs. Open

Symmetrical vs Asymmetrical

Illusion of spatial depth- the appearance of 3d space on a flat surface
Picture plane- blank flat surface on which a design will go
Trompe l’oeil- real or representation?
Foreground, middle ground, background
Tilted plane imitating the recession of space
Layering and Transparency

Differentiation through grouping

Compositional process

Composing for a single static surface format- consider type and image as a whole

Arranging type and image

Integrating type and image


Guiding the viewer
Building compositions
Avoiding ambiguity